2018年7月21日 星期六

SQL Nexus and RML Utilities (ReadTrace) – SQL Server效能分析工具

SQL Nexus and RML Utilities (ReadTrace) – SQL Server效能分析工具

update 2022/3/16


Prerequisites to run SQL Nexus

  1. .NET framework 4.6.2. Windows 10 anniversary update has version already.
  2. Download and install SQLSysClrTypes
  3. Download and install ReportViewer control (ReportViewer.msi)
  4. Download and install RML Utilities (RMLSetup_AMD64.msi)
  5. An instance of SQL Server (2012 or above) to connect to and process data
  6. Optional: PowerBI Desktop

Automate Prerequisites Installation

You can use the following PowerShell file (https://github.com/microsoft/SqlNexus/blob/master/Setup-Related/SetupSQLNexusPrereq.ps1) to install the three required and one optional prerequisites for SQL Nexus

How to Download and Use

  1. Download the SQLNexus_7.22.03.23_Signed.zip from Assets below. This is a zip file that contains Microsoft digitally-signed binaries
  2. Extract in a path location of your choice
  3. Go to the path and run sqlnexus.exe

1.SQL Server Database Engine (官方步驟的第5點)
SQLNexus and RML需要SQL Server DB來儲存分析結果,可以使用SQL Server Express版本
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2019 Express

2.Report Viewer 
不同版本SQL Nexus與RML Utilities,需要不同版本的Report Viewer
RML Utilities requires Report Viewer to run correctly and Report Viewer also has a few updates to be considered. 

Report Viewer



Report Viewer 2008系統需求.Net Framework 2.0

Microsoft Report Viewer 2008 SP1 Redistributable http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=3841

Security Update MS09-062

Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 Service Pack 1 GDIPLUS.DLL Security Update


Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=6610

Update fixes several Report Viewer issues after you install Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (主要描述的就是要安裝下面那個連結)


Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 Report Viewer (KB2549864)

Note If you have Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package installed, install the file that is named "ReportViewer.exe." If you use Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1, install the file that is named "VS10SP1-KB2549864-x86.exe."

 遇到以下錯誤,需安裝Report Viewer 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package

SQL NexusReports有超連結,但是無法點選開啟報表,需安裝Report Viewer 2010 SP1 update(KB2549864)






Microsoft® SQL Server® 2016 Service Pack 3 Feature Pack


i. Download and install enu\x86\sqlsysclrtypes.msi 

若x86與x64都下載了,在Windows 2016環境兩個版本都能安裝成功

Microsoft® System CLR Types for Microsoft SQL Server® 2016 SP3

    The SQL Server System CLR Types package contains the components implementing the geometry, geography, and hierarchy id types in SQL Server. This component can be installed separately from the server to allow client applications to use these types outside of the server.

    Note: This component also requires Windows Installer 4.5
      Filename: X86 and x64 Package (SQLSysClrTypes.msi)

ii. Download and install enu\x86\reportviewer.msi

安裝完成後的版本資訊 為 13.3.6300.2
SQLNexus github提供的下載連結reportviewer版本是13.2.5026.0(比較舊) 



If you run sqlnexus.exe, Error "Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common, Version=,'"

3. Install RML Utilities (ReadTrace)
Description of Replay Markup Language Utilities for SQL Server
Obtain the RML Utilities for SQL Server

After you install the Database Experimentation Assistant, you will find the RML tools (ReadTrace and OStress) present in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Corporation\Database Experimentation Assistant\Dependencies\X64\ folder.

If you're using the RML tools together with the SQL Nexus tool, you can obtain ReadTrace and ostress from https://github.com/microsoft/SqlNexus/releases/tag/09.04.0097.

RML Utilities for SQL Server is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center.

如果沒有透過Database Experimentation Assistant或SQLNexus來取得RML Utilities,直接從Download center下載安裝時,只能安裝x86或x64其中一種版本,如果已經安裝x86版本,再安裝x64時則會跳出已經安裝過x86,所以無法繼續安裝

Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Azure VM Image)
1.安裝SQL Server 2019 Developer Edition與SSMS
2.無須安裝 .Net framework 4.6.2  (ndp462-kb3151802-web.exe) 
若安裝會跳出 .NET Framework 4.6.2 or a later update is already installed on this computer.
3.安裝 Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2016 (SQLSysClrTypes.msi)
4.安裝 Microsoft Report Viewer for SQL Server 2016 (ReportViewer.msi)
5.安裝 RML Utilities for SQL Server (X64) (RMLSetup_AMD64.exe)

4.SQL Nexus
Microsoft SQL Nexus

Prerequisites to run SQL Nexus

  1. .NET framework 4.6.2. Windows 10 anniversary update has version already.
  2. Download and install SQLSysClrTypes
  3. Download and install ReportViewer control (ReportViewer.msi)
  4. Download and install RML Utilities (RMLSetup_AMD64.msi)
  5. An instance of SQL Server (2012 or above) to connect to and process data
  6. Optional: PowerBI Desktop
PS.RML Utilities for SQL Server安裝完成後在功能清單會出現以下項目

Automate Prerequisites Installation

You can use the following PowerShell file (https://github.com/microsoft/SqlNexus/blob/master/Setup-Related/SetupSQLNexusPrereq.ps1) to install the three required and one optional prerequisites for SQL Nexus

How to Use

  1. Download the SQLNexus_v_7_21_07_07.EXE (this is a digitally signed self-extracting zip file by Microsoft)
  2. Double-click on it to allow files to be extracted in a path location of your choice
  3. You will now see a SQLNexus_v_7_21_03_26.zip file which you can extract into a subfolder, e.g. \SQLNexus_v_7_21_03_26
  4. Go to the new subfolder and execute sqlnexus.exe

第一次啟動SQL Nexus,會提示要連接到哪一個SQL Server Instance,連進去後會建立一個空的sqlnexus資料庫,此時若在UI介面上不改選其他資料庫,匯入分析log時(例如PSSDiag output folder)就會匯入此資料庫。

(1)事先建立好分析用的log DB或用SQL Nexus建立log DB
啟動SQL Nexus後,先選擇要匯入的資料庫或點選New Database建立新資料庫

點選 Import 
選擇PSSDiag收集後的output folder,如果要覆蓋上次匯入到目前選擇的DB,則可以勾選Drop Current DB Before Importing
PS.此選項是在Import之前執行Drop Database語法,並且用預設Create Database語法重新建立DB,也就是說原始DB如果有設定多個File group與多個data file,重建後會只有一個file group與一個mdf檔


PS. TRC檔很大,則需要恢復比較多時間來匯入

B.如果只有收集SQL Trace (trc檔)
使用SQL Nexus,選擇log DB,匯入trc檔
Cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Corporation\RMLUtils
ReadTrace.exe -S"(local)" -E -d"ReadTraceDB20161020213501" -I"D:\TEMP\SQLTraceFiles\2016-10-20_21-35-01\TPECDB08_20161020212501.trc" -o"D:\TEMP\SQLTraceFiles\2016-10-20_21-35-01\output"

Import時若出現以下警告: You have captured both trace and xevent files. import will fail!. Please remove one of them before importing.
經測試Import可能會成功,但是SQLNexus report可能會出問題,然後SQL Perf Main頁面可能會變成空白,必須重選DB,觸發重新載入資料,SQL Perf Main頁面才會恢復正常

2.PerfMon Charts出現錯誤
Invalid object name 'pal_Counters'

SQLNexus_v_7_21_07_07 有bug
改下載SQLNexus_7.22.03.23_Signed.zip版本,此版PerfMon Charts改名為Perfmon Summary,即可正常顯示

3.Active Trace and XEvent Report出現以下錯誤

Invalid object name 'tbl_XEvents'


Microsoft SQL Nexus
SQL Server: Working with SQL Nexus


SQL Server Analysis Service

 SQL Server Analysis Service