2016年9月21日 星期三

Add text to beginning or end of each line using SSMS (使用SSMS在每一行前面或後面加上特定字元)

Add text to beginning or end of each line using SSMS
from my MSDN blog - September 21, 2016

1.Add text to the beginning of each line


type "^" in the "Find"

type text you want to add in "Replace with"

Choose the "Regular expressions" checkbox

2.Add text to the end of each line


type "$" in the "Find"

type text you want to add in "Replace with"

Choose the "Regular expressions" checkbox


Copy or Backup Command - robocopy

  robocopy D:\Backup E:\Backup /MIR /MT:100 /LOG+:C:\Logs\robocopy.log /MIR  鏡像目錄樹(包含 空的子目錄 ), 確保目標目錄與來源目錄完全相符,並比對刪除目標中不存在於來源中的任何檔案或目錄, /MT:...