[iSCSI Server]
1.可下載使用OpenFiler這個軟體建置iSCSI Server
PS.安裝在第一顆硬碟,保留第二顆不使用,之後可做為shared disk Volumn用
https://安裝時設定的iSCSI Server IP:446/
* The default username is openfiler, password password
* Go to services & enable the iSCSI Target service.
* Go to Volumes, then Physical Storage Management,
and click on the name of the disk where you want to create a new volume (I do this by having a second disk in the server besides the boot disk). In my case, I clicked on /dev/sdb
* Create a partition on that disk.
* Now go to Volume Group Management,
give the new VG a name, click the Select checkbox,
and click Add volume group.
* Now click on Create new Volume.
Create an iSCSI file system volume in the VG,
of whatever size you want.
* Now, go to the General tab and add your local network to the networks tab.
This should be the same network that the Win 2008 Server or Vista hosts are located on.
* Go back to the Volume properties, edit the volume,
and change that local network to Allow instead of the default of block.
Click Update.
* Now disable and enable the iSCSI service.
例如: Local network設定需在System->Network Access Configuration
先新增完成,然後設定Volumne完成時,點右邊的iSCSI Targets,
進行Target IQN新增與mapping,再設定Network ACL時指定Local Network
[iSCSI Client]
1.Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista內建Initiator
2.Windows Server 2003, Windows XP需額外下載安裝
Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator Version 2.08
3.設定連線到iSCSI Server
(1)控制台->iSCSI Initiator(iSCSI啟動器)
How to connect Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista to an iSCSI Server
Brad Chen's Developer Blog Azure Database Data science Machine Learning Cloud
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