a bicycle manufacturer - Adventure Works Cycles
Scenarios include Manufacturing, Sales, Purchasing, Product Management, Contact Management, and Human Resources
Business Entities
Human Resources
AdventureWorks – Data Dictionary
Query Table Description from AdventureWorks Database
--TABLE_TYPE AS tTableType,
q.epExtendedProperty AS ExtendedProperty
FROM information_schema.tables AS t
LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT OBJECT_NAME(ep.major_id) AS [epTableName],
CAST(ep.Value AS nvarchar(500)) AS [epExtendedProperty]
FROM sys.extended_properties ep
WHERE ep.name = N'MS_Description' AND ep.minor_id = 0) As q
ON t.table_name = q.epTableName
TableName |
ExtendedProperty |
Address |
Street address information for
customers, employees, and vendors. |
AddressType |
Types of addresses stored in the
Address table. |
AWBuildVersion |
Current version number of the AdventureWorks
2016 sample database. |
BillOfMaterials |
Items required to make bicycles and
bicycle subassemblies. It identifies the heirarchical relationship between a
parent product and its components. |
BusinessEntity |
Source of the ID that connects vendors,
customers, and employees with address and contact information. |
BusinessEntityAddress |
Cross-reference table mapping
customers, vendors, and employees to their addresses. |
BusinessEntityContact |
Cross-reference table mapping stores,
vendors, and employees to people |
ContactType |
Lookup table containing the types of
business entity contacts. |
CountryRegion |
Lookup table containing the ISO
standard codes for countries and regions. |
CountryRegionCurrency |
Cross-reference table mapping ISO
currency codes to a country or region. |
CreditCard |
Customer credit card information. |
Culture |
Lookup table containing the languages
in which some AdventureWorks data is stored. |
Currency |
Lookup table containing standard ISO
currencies. |
CurrencyRate |
Currency exchange rates. |
Customer |
Current customer information. Also see
the Person and Store tables. |
DatabaseLog |
Audit table tracking all DDL changes made
to the AdventureWorks database. Data is captured by the database trigger
ddlDatabaseTriggerLog. |
Department |
Lookup table containing the
departments within the Adventure Works Cycles company. |
Document |
Product maintenance documents. |
EmailAddress |
Where to send a person email. |
Employee |
Employee information such as salary,
department, and title. |
EmployeeDepartmentHistory |
Employee department transfers. |
EmployeePayHistory |
Employee pay history. |
ErrorLog |
Audit table tracking errors in the the
AdventureWorks database that are caught by the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH
construct. Data is inserted by stored procedure dbo.uspLogError when it is
executed from inside the CATCH block of a TRY...CATCH construct. |
Illustration |
Bicycle assembly diagrams. |
JobCandidate |
submitted to Human Resources by job applicants. |
Location |
Product inventory and manufacturing
locations. |
Password |
One way hashed authentication
information |
Person |
Human beings involved with
AdventureWorks: employees, customer contacts, and vendor contacts. |
PersonCreditCard |
Cross-reference table mapping people
to their credit card information in the CreditCard table. |
PersonPhone |
Telephone number and type of a person. |
PhoneNumberType |
Type of phone number of a person. |
Product |
Products sold or used in the
manfacturing of sold products. |
ProductCategory |
High-level product categorization. |
ProductCostHistory |
Changes in the cost of a product over
time. |
ProductDescription |
Product descriptions in several
languages. |
ProductDocument |
Cross-reference table mapping products
to related product documents. |
ProductInventory |
Product inventory information. |
ProductListPriceHistory |
Changes in the list price of a product
over time. |
ProductModel |
Product model classification. |
ProductModelIllustration |
Cross-reference table mapping product
models and illustrations. |
ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture |
Cross-reference table mapping product descriptions
and the language the description is written in. |
ProductPhoto |
Product images. |
ProductProductPhoto |
Cross-reference table mapping products
and product photos. |
ProductReview |
Customer reviews of products they have
purchased. |
ProductSubcategory |
Product subcategories. See
ProductCategory table. |
ProductVendor |
Cross-reference table mapping vendors
with the products they supply. |
PurchaseOrderDetail |
Individual products associated with a
specific purchase order. See PurchaseOrderHeader. |
PurchaseOrderHeader |
General purchase order information.
See PurchaseOrderDetail. |
SalesOrderDetail |
Individual products associated with a
specific sales order. See SalesOrderHeader. |
SalesOrderHeader |
General sales order information. |
SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason |
Cross-reference table mapping sales
orders to sales reason codes. |
SalesPerson |
Sales representative current
information. |
SalesPersonQuotaHistory |
Sales performance tracking. |
SalesReason |
Lookup table of customer purchase
reasons. |
SalesTaxRate |
Tax rate lookup table. |
SalesTerritory |
Sales territory lookup table. |
SalesTerritoryHistory |
Sales representative transfers to
other sales territories. |
ScrapReason |
Manufacturing failure reasons lookup
table. |
Shift |
Work shift lookup table. |
ShipMethod |
Shipping company lookup table. |
ShoppingCartItem |
Contains online customer orders until
the order is submitted or cancelled. |
SpecialOffer |
Sale discounts lookup table. |
SpecialOfferProduct |
Cross-reference table mapping products
to special offer discounts. |
StateProvince |
State and province lookup table. |
Store |
Customers (resellers) of Adventure
Works products. |
TransactionHistory |
Record of each purchase order, sales
order, or work order transaction year to date. |
TransactionHistoryArchive |
Transactions for previous years. |
UnitMeasure |
Unit of measure lookup table. |
Vendor |
Companies from whom Adventure Works
Cycles purchases parts or other goods. |
WorkOrder |
Manufacturing work orders. |
WorkOrderRouting |
Work order details. |
objname |
name |
value |
WorkOrderID |
MS_Description |
Primary key for WorkOrder records. |
ProductID |
MS_Description |
Product identification number. Foreign
key to Product.ProductID. |
OrderQty |
MS_Description |
Product quantity to build. |
StockedQty |
MS_Description |
Quantity built and put in inventory. |
ScrappedQty |
MS_Description |
Quantity that failed inspection. |
StartDate |
MS_Description |
Work order start date. |
EndDate |
MS_Description |
Work order end date. |
DueDate |
MS_Description |
Work order due date. |
ScrapReasonID |
MS_Description |
Reason for inspection failure. |
ModifiedDate |
MS_Description |
Date and time the record was last
updated. |
SELECT objname, name, value
FROM fn_listextendedproperty (NULL, 'schema', 'Sales', 'table', 'SalesOrderHeader', 'column', default);
objname |
name |
value |
SalesOrderID |
MS_Description |
Primary key. |
RevisionNumber |
MS_Description |
Incremental number to track changes to
the sales order over time. |
OrderDate |
MS_Description |
Dates the sales order was created. |
DueDate |
MS_Description |
Date the order is due to the customer. |
ShipDate |
MS_Description |
Date the order was shipped to the
customer. |
Status |
MS_Description |
Order current status. 1 = In process;
2 = Approved; 3 = Backordered; 4 = Rejected; 5 = Shipped; 6 = Cancelled |
OnlineOrderFlag |
MS_Description |
0 = Order placed by sales person. 1 =
Order placed online by customer. |
SalesOrderNumber |
MS_Description |
Unique sales order identification
number. |
PurchaseOrderNumber |
MS_Description |
Customer purchase order number
reference. |
AccountNumber |
MS_Description |
Financial accounting number reference. |
CustomerID |
MS_Description |
Customer identification number.
Foreign key to Customer.BusinessEntityID. |
SalesPersonID |
MS_Description |
Sales person who created the sales
order. Foreign key to SalesPerson.BusinessEntityID. |
TerritoryID |
MS_Description |
Territory in which the sale was made.
Foreign key to SalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryID. |
BillToAddressID |
MS_Description |
Customer billing address. Foreign key
to Address.AddressID. |
ShipToAddressID |
MS_Description |
Customer shipping address. Foreign key
to Address.AddressID. |
ShipMethodID |
MS_Description |
Shipping method. Foreign key to
ShipMethod.ShipMethodID. |
CreditCardID |
MS_Description |
Credit card identification number.
Foreign key to CreditCard.CreditCardID. |
CreditCardApprovalCode |
MS_Description |
Approval code provided by the credit
card company. |
CurrencyRateID |
MS_Description |
Currency exchange rate used. Foreign
key to CurrencyRate.CurrencyRateID. |
SubTotal |
MS_Description |
Sales subtotal. Computed as
SUM(SalesOrderDetail.LineTotal)for the appropriate SalesOrderID. |
TaxAmt |
MS_Description |
Tax amount. |
Freight |
MS_Description |
Shipping cost. |
TotalDue |
MS_Description |
Total due from customer. Computed as
Subtotal + TaxAmt + Freight. |
Comment |
MS_Description |
Sales representative comments. |
rowguid |
MS_Description |
ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying
the record. Used to support a merge replication sample. |
ModifiedDate |
MS_Description |
Date and time the record was last
updated. |