2022年6月30日 星期四

DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals

 DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals

Descriptive analytics 

Prescriptive analytics

Predictive analytics

Diagnostic analytics

Cognitive analytics

Descriptive, to answer the question: What’s happening?

Diagnostic, to answer the question: Why’s happening?

Predictive, to answer the question: What will happen?

Prescriptive, to answer the question: What actions should we take?

key influencer 關鍵影響因素

scatter plot 散佈圖

scatter plot 散佈圖

key influencer 關鍵影響因素

A chart that displays the major contributors of a selected result or value.

A key influencer chart displays the major contributors to a selected result or value.

scatter plot 散佈圖

A chart that shows the relationship between two numerical values.

Scatter and Bubble charts display relationships between 2 (scatter) or 3 (bubble) quantitative measures -- whether or not, in which order, etc.

scatter plot 散佈圖

Treemap 矩形式樹狀結構圖 : 

A treemap is a chart of colored rectangles. The size of the rectangles represent the relative value of each item. The chart can be hierarchical, displaying data as a set of rectangles nested within the main rectangle.

A treemap chart divides the chart area into rectangles that represent the different levels and relative sizes of the data hierarchy.



1.batch data processing

 High latency

 Data is processed periodically

2.real-time data processing(streaming processing)

 Low latency

 Data is processed periodically as it is created


Azure Storage

 Azure Blob storage

 Azure File storage

 Azure Table Storage

Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin API

Azure SQL Database

Azure Synapse Analysis

Azure Data Factory

JSON format (what is root object/nested object/nested array)



Describe, diagnose, and predict with IoT Analytics

Create key influencers visualizations

Treemaps in Power BI



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