2019年7月1日 星期一

Azure Storage (Azure儲存體服務)

Azure Storage (Azure儲存體服務)

Storage Account

必須先建立Storage Account然後才能建立Azure Storage,同一個Storage Account可建立多個不同種類的Storage

  • Standard : optimized for high capacity and high throughput 通常選用此項
  • Premium : optimized for high transaction rates and single-digit consistent storage latency 通常用於VM Disk
Performance tiers for block blob storage

Account Kind



Locally redundant storage (LRS): 只在一個Data Center中複製3份

Zone-redundant storage (ZRS): 
  需選StorageV2 (general purpose V2)
  Live migration to ZRS from Azure support is supported only for storage accounts that use LRS or GRS replication.

Geo-redundant storage (GRS): primary region 3份,region pair也留3份 (備用region平時不可用)

Read access Geo-redundant storage(RA-GRS): 最貴,備用可以讀

Geo-Zone-redundant storage (GZRS):  資料複製跨3個資料中心並且複製到region pair,共6份
Read-access Geo-zone-redundant storage(RA-GZRS): 資料複製跨3個資料中心並且複製到region pair,共6份,region pair資料可讀

General-purpose V2支援的功能較多且費用較便宜
General-purpose V2才支援Storage Account存取層級

預設Access Tier(File上傳時的預設選項)
  • Hot - Optimized for storing data that is accessed frequently.
  • Cool - Optimized for storing data that is infrequently accessed and stored for at least 30 days. (不常存取,但立即取得且成本較Hot低)
  • Archive - Optimized for storing data that is rarely accessed and stored for at least 180 days with flexible latency requirements (on the order of hours). (若要讀取檔案,可修改成其他Tier例如Hot or Cool或Copy到其他Tier)。Rehydrate blob data from the archive tier  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-blob-rehydration?tabs=azure-portal

Azure Blob storage: hot, cool, and archive access tiers

上傳檔案時可以指定不同Access tier

Blob Lifecycle Management
Storage accounts>YourStorageAccount> Lifecycle Management

依照規則搬移調整到不同access tier,例如將超過30天的檔案搬移切換到Cool,超過180切換到Archive

Storage Service Encryption(SSE)

All Storage account are encrypted using Storage Service Encryption(SSE) for data at rest (靜止/待用狀態) 除了傳輸過程以外,資料在靜止/待用狀態都是加密的。

Customer-managed keys

Storage Type

1.Azure Blob
Data Lake Gen2 file systems : 新增時有勾選啟用 DATA LAKE STORAGE GEN2
Azure Blobs (objects) : 新增時無勾選啟用 DATA LAKE STORAGE GEN2

用於儲存非結構化資料 (Text/CSV file, Image file, Video files, Audio file)

Commons uses:
  • saving images or documents directly to a browser.
  • Storing files for distributed access, such as installation.
  • Streaming video and audio.
  • Storing data for Backup and restore, disaster recovery, and archiving.
  • Storing data for analysis by an on-promises or Azure-hosted service.

2.Azure Files (accessible via SMB protocol 445/TCP, 取代file server)
用於儲存非結構化資料 (Text/CSV file, Image file, Video files, Audio file)

3.Azure Queues (儲存large numbers of messages)

4.Azure Tables (儲存半結構化NoSQL,Key-Value格式,例如JSON,XML,另外有一個Azure Cosmos DB服務也可儲存半結構化NoSQL資料)



除了Azure Portal還可使用Azure Storage Explorer管理(檢視與異動資料)

若Storage Account建立時有勾選 啟用 DATA LAKE STORAGE GEN2
在Storage Explorer的總管視窗就會在Storage Account後面多出(ADLS Gen2)


Blob Containers

 使用Blob必須先建立Blob Container
  • Organization : 分組集合,如同目錄
  • Public Access Level : 公開存取層級
  • Access Policy : 存取原則

 1.透過Azure Storage Explorer
下載安裝Azure Storage Explorer

連接到Azure之後,在Storage Account建立Container
 fs1與 fs2 是一個Container(類似一個邏輯目錄)

2.Azure Portal

Azure Blobs的3種格式

1.Block Blobs (用於text or binary files, and for uploading large files efficiently) 預設Portal上傳檔案格式(進階選項可以看到格式)
2.Append Blobs (made up of blocks, but they are optimized for append operations, making them ideal for logging scenarios)
3.Page Blobs (用於Azure VM Disk(vhd檔), Azure SQL DB, 可使用REST APIs存取 )

Permission: Read/Create/Write/Delete
然後使用https URL直接取得檔案


有三種存取層級Access Level

When public access is allowed for a storage account, you can configure a container with the following permissions:
  • No public read access: The container and its blobs can be accessed only with an authorized request. This option is the default for all new containers. (Private(no anonymous access)) 無匿名存取,例如透過SAS產生的URL https://yourStorageAccountName.blob.core.windows.net/yourContainerName/YourFileName.wav?sp=r&st=2020-08-14T17:10:50Z&se=2020-08-15T01:10:50Z&spr=https&sv=2019-12-12&sr=b&sig=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 取得檔案
  • Public read access for blobs only: Blobs within the container can be read by anonymous request, but container data is not available anonymously. Anonymous clients cannot enumerate the blobs within the container. (Blob(anonymous read access for blobs only)) 可以匿名存取,但無法列出Container裡面的檔案清單,例如透過 https://yourStorageAccountName.blob.core.windows.net/yourContainerName/YourFileName.wav 取得檔案
  • Public read access for container and its blobs: Container and blob data can be read by anonymous request, except for container permission settings and container metadata. Clients can enumerate blobs within the container by anonymous request, but cannot enumerate containers within the storage account. (Container (anonymous read access for containers and blobs)) 可以匿名取得檔案,也可以列出Container裡面的檔案清單
Configure anonymous public read access for containers and blobs

Access Policy控制存取

Data protection
Turn on soft delete for blobs (預設刪除的檔案可保留7天)

Azure Table


Azure Storage Documentation

Storage account> firewall and virtual networks
Allow access from 將All networks 改成 selected networks> Add existing virtual network
        也可以指定允許存取的IP address


Get started with AzCopy

Storage type                    Currently supported method of authorization
Blob storage                    Azure AD & SAS
Blob storage                       Azure AD & SAS 
(hierarchical namespace)
File storage                    SAS only

ex. copy the contents of D:\Folder1 to the public container in an Azure Storage account named contosodata. 此題URL後面是Container,所以type是blob

azcopy copy D:\folder1 https://contosodata.blob.core.windows.net/public --recursive

Azure Storage Explorer

Support access by shared access signatures (SAS)

Mounting network drive

Only support by storage account name and storage account key
Use an Azure file share with Windows

UNC path format is \\<storageAccountName>.file.core.windows.net\<fileShareName>
For example: \\anexampleaccountname.file.core.windows.net\example-share-name.

Do not support by SAS
SAS key for UNC Path

Azure Container instances

What is Azure Container Instances?
Persistent storage
To retrieve and persist state with Azure Container Instances, we offer direct mounting of Azure Files shares backed by Azure Storage.

Exercise - Use data volumes
mount an Azure file share to an Azure container instance so you can store data and access it later

Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)

Deploy a SQL Server container in Kubernetes with Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)
configure a SQL Server instance on Kubernetes in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), with persistent storage

Azure Disk

Azure Import/Export service 

Azure Import/Export system requirements

Supported storage accounts
Azure Import/Export service supports the following types of storage accounts:
  • Standard General Purpose v2 storage accounts (recommended for most scenarios)
  • Blob Storage accounts
  • General Purpose v1 storage accounts (both Classic or Azure Resource Manager deployments)
Supported storage types
The following list of storage types is supported with Azure Import/Export service.


Azure File Sync

Sync group
  • A sync group must contain one cloud endpoint, which represents an Azure file share and one or more server endpoints. 只能有一個Cloud endpoint,可以有多個Server endpoint
  • A server endpoint represents a path on a registered server. 
  • A server can have server endpoints in multiple sync groups. 同一Server的server endpoint可以在多個sync group

Deploy Azure File Sync

Cloud Tiering: 
When enabled, cloud tiering will tier files to your Azure file shares. This converts on-premises file shares into a cache, rather than a complete copy of the dataset, to help you manage space efficiency on your server. With cloud tiering, infrequently used or accessed files can be tiered to Azure Files.

Cloud Tiering Overview



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