2016年11月11日 星期五

SQL Server Management Studio Keyboard Shortcuts 常用快速鍵

SQL Server Management Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

SQL Server Management Studio keyboard shortcuts

Run the selected portion of the query editor or the entire query editor if nothing is selectedF5

Show or hide the query results paneCTRL+R
Make the selected text a comment

Uncomment the selected text


ActionSQL Server 2016SQL Server 2008 R2
Select text from the cursor to the beginning of the documentCTRL+SHIFT+ HOMECTRL+SHIFT+ HOME
Select text from the cursor to the end of the documentCTRL+SHIFT+ENDCTRL+SHIFT+END
Select text from the cursor to the start of the current lineSHIFT+HOMESHIFT+HOME
Display the Go To Line dialog boxCTRL+GCTRL+G
Display the Navigate To dialog box.CTRL+PLUS SIGN (+)No equivalent
Increase line indentTABTAB
Decrease line indentSHIFT+TABSHIFT+TAB
Make the selected text upper caseCTRL+SHIFT+UCTRL+SHIFT+U
Make the selected text lower caseCTRL+UCTRL+SHIFT+L
Make the selected text a commentCTRL+K, CTRL+CCTRL+K, CTRL+C
Uncomment the selected textCTRL+K, CTRL + UCTRL+K, CTRL + U
Run the sp_help system stored procedureALT+F1ALT+F1
Run the sp_who system stored procedureCTRL+1CTRL+1
Run the sp_lock system stored procedureCTRL+2CTRL+2
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the Tools, Options, Keyboard, Query Shortcuts dialogCTRL+3CTRL+3
Run the stored procedure configured for this shortcut in the Tools, Options, Keyboard, Query Shortcuts dialogCTRL+4CTRL+4
SQL Snippets for SSMS 2008 R2


SQL Server Planning, Pricing and License

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