2016年9月1日 星期四

Visual Studio(SSDT, BIDS) for SQL Server

Visual Studio(SSDT, BIDS) for SQL Server

開發Integration Service, Reporting Service, Analysis Service

例如開發SQL Server 2019 SSIS Package
1.先安裝Visual Studio 2019 Community
2.啟動VS 2019,針對 Analysis Services、Integration Services 或 Reporting Services 專案,請從 Marketplace 或 [工具] > [延伸模組與更新] 安裝適當的延伸模組,也就是搜尋Integration Service,然後按下安裝。
從這裡下載安裝SQL Server Integration Services Projects
SQL Server Integration Services Projects

This project may be used for building high performance data integration and workflow solutions, including extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) operations for data warehousing. Currently the supported target server version starts from SQL Server 2012 up to 2019.

Download SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) for Visual Studio

Supported SQL versions in Visual Studio 2022

Project TemplatesSQL Platforms Supported
Relational databasesSQL Server 2016 (13.x) - SQL Server 2022 (16.x)

Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance

Azure Synapse Analytics (dedicated pools only)
Analysis Services models

Reporting Services reports
SQL Server 2016 - SQL Server 2022
Integration Services packagesSQL Server 2019 - SQL Server 2022

SSDT for Visual Studio 2019
SSDT for Visual Studio 2017

Supported SQL versions in Visual Studio 2019

Project TemplatesSQL Platforms Supported
Relational databasesSQL Server 2012 - SQL Server 2019

Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance

Azure Synapse Analytics (dedicated pools only)
Analysis Services models

Reporting Services reports
SQL Server 2008 - SQL Server 2019
Integration Services packagesSQL Server 2012 - SQL Server 2022

Previous releases of SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT and SSDT-BI)

Supported SQL versions

Project TemplatesSQL Platforms Supported
Relational databasesSQL Server 2005* - SQL Server 2017
(use SSDT 17.x or SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 to connect to SQL Server on Linux)

Azure SQL Database

Azure SQL Data Warehouse (supports queries only; database projects aren't yet supported)

* SQL Server 2005 support is deprecated,

move to an officially supported SQL version
Analysis Services models

Reporting Services reports
SQL Server 2008 - SQL Server 2017
Integration Services packagesSQL Server 2012 - SQL Server 2019

SSDT: SQL Server Data Tool
BIDS: Business Intelligence Development Studio
SQL ServerVisual Studio Version
SQL Server 2005透過SQL Server安裝程式勾選安裝
Visual Studio 2005 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
SQL Server 2008透過SQL Server安裝程式勾選安裝
Visual Studio 2008 9.0.30729.1 SP
Visual Studio 2008含有SP1
Actions that are required before you install SQL Server 2008 on a computer that has Visual Studio 2008 or the prerelease version of SQL Server 2008 installed http://support.microsoft.com/kb/956139/en-us
SQL Server 2008 R2透過SQL Server安裝程式勾選安裝
Visual Studio 2008 9.0.30729.4462 QFE
Visual Studio 2008含有SP1,但是畫面沒有SP字眼
SQL Server Data Tools - 2012 年 12 月版的更新 SQL Server 2008所安裝的Visual Studio 2008含有SP1 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/956139/en-us
如果在SQL 2008 R2安裝(含BIDS)完成之後,再安裝Visual Studio 2008 SP1也是可以安裝成功。
Exe (D:\vs90sp1\VC_x86Runtime.exe) succeeded.
Log File: dd_VC_x86RuntimeMSI543A.txt
Log File: dd_VC_x86RuntimeUI543A.txt
Exe (D:\vs90sp1\VC_x64Runtime.exe) succeeded.
Log File: dd_VC_x64RuntimeMSI5447.txt
Log File: dd_VC_x64RuntimeUI5447.txt
D:\vs90sp1\VC_IA64Runtime.exe - Exe installer's log file/hint (%temp%\dd_VC_IA64Runtime*.txt|%temp%\..\dd_VC_IA64Runtime*.txt) does not exist or is invalid.
Exe (D:\vs90sp1\VC_IA64Runtime.exe) succeeded.
Patch (D:\vs90sp1\VS90sp1-KB945140-X86-ENU.msp) install succeeded on product (Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell (integrated mode) - ENU). Msi Log: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1_20160902_092951310-Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Shell (integrated mode) - ENU-MSP0.txt
Final Result: Installation completed successfully
SQL Server 2012Visual Studio 2010 (SQL Server Data Tools) 10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel 含有Visual Studio 2010 SP1
Visual Studio 2010 SSDT的更新 SQL Server Data Tools - 2012 年 12 月版的更新
SQL Server 2014需自行下載
2014-10-27 Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013http://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/download/details.aspx?id=42313
2014-06-26 Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2012http://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/download/details.aspx?id=36843

Download SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)



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