2013年7月5日 星期五

Windows 2012 Failover Cluster Management Console Error "A weak Event was created and it lives on the wrong object"

Windows 2012 Failover Cluster Management Console Error A weak Event was created and it lives on the wrong object

from my MSDN blog - June 5, 2013

最近因為客戶的需求在Windows Server 2012上安裝一組SQL Server 2012 Failover Cluster,遇到以下問題,以下是解決方法:


When you opened Failover-Manager and clicked on Roles or Nodes you get the following error.

A weak Event was created and it lives on the wrong object, there is a very high Chance this will fail,
please Review and make changes on your code to prevent the issue

at MS.Internal.FailoverClusters.Framework.WeakEvent.WeakEventCallback.MethodTarget...ctor(Object target, MethodInfo targetMethod) .
at MS.Internal.FailoverClusters.Framework.WeakEvent.WeakEventCallback.Add(Object target, MethodInfo targetMethod)
at System.Windows.Input.CanExecuteChangedEventManager.PrivateAddHandler(ICommand source, EventHandler'1 handler)
at System.Windows.Documents.Hyperlink.HookCommand((ICommand command)


To resolve these issues, install the update on a Windows Server 2012-based cluster node or on a Windows 8-based computer that has the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 8 installed.


Failover Cluster Management snap-in crashes after you install update 2750149 on a Windows Server 2012-based failover cluster




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