2013年4月19日 星期五

Install SQL Server 2012 Failover Cluster with Command Line and Configuration File 使用命令列與組態檔安裝 SQL Server Failover Cluster

Install SQL Server 2012 Failover Cluster with Command Line and Configuration File

使用命令列與組態檔安裝 SQL Server Failover Cluster

from my MSDN blog April 19, 2013

1.安裝設定好Windows 2008 R2 Failover Cluster。


Build a two-node SQL Server 2008 R2 Cluster with iSCSI

2.安裝SQL Server Failover Cluster之前,必須在兩個節點先安裝.Net Framework 3.5.1。

可以透過Server Manager或PowerShell的方式來安裝。

(1)使用Server Manager安裝。




    Import-Module ServerManager

    Add-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Core 

How to install/enable .Net 3.5 SP1 on Windows Server 2008 R2 for SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2


Overview of Server Manager Commands



3.安裝SQL Server 2012 Failover Cluster步驟如下:

Integrated Install option (create a single node failover cluster on a node and for additional nodes, run AddNode on them):

  • Run the "Install a Failover Cluster" option and capture the configuration file that lists all the installation settings.

在第1個節點(First Node),放入SQL Server 2012安裝光碟,開始一般SQL Server failover Cluster Instalce的安裝程序,在最後面的[準備安裝(Ready to Install)]步驟會顯示Configuration File檔案位置,將Configuration File複製出來,在此步驟按下[取消]按鈕,放棄安裝。





(1)檢查share disk代號與安裝目錄路徑是否需要修改。




  • Run the command-line failover cluster install by supplying the ConfigurationFile parameter.

在第1個節點(First Node)執行以下命令來安裝第1個節點的SQL Server Failover Cluster Instalce

Setup.exe /SQLSVCPASSWORD="************" /AGTSVCPASSWORD="************" /ASSVCPASSWORD="************" /SAPWD "******" /ConfigurationFile=MyConfigurationFile.INI /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /PID "ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST-UVWXY"


setup.exe /SQLSVCPASSWORD="P@ssw0rd" /AGTSVCPASSWORD="P@ssw0rd" /ASSVCPASSWORD="P@ssw0rd" /SAPWD "P@ssw0rd" /ConfigurationFile=C:\Temp\ConfigurationFile.ini /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /PID "ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST-UVWXY"

一般SQL Cluster安裝,預設值只有SQL Server, SQL Agent, Analysis service需要指定一個網域帳戶,所以命令列只需要提供這三個服務的啟動帳戶的密碼。

SSIS與SSRS預設使用系統帳戶則不需要加 /ISSVCPASSWORD="************" /RSSVCPASSWORD="************"

  • On an additional node to be added, run AddNode to capture the ConfigurationFile.ini file applicable to the existing failover cluster.

在第2個節點(second node),放入SQL Server 2012安裝光碟,開始一般SQL Server failover Cluster Instalce的安裝程序,在最後面的[準備安裝(Ready to Install)]步驟會顯示Configuration File檔案位置,將Configuration File複製出來,在此步驟按下[取消]按鈕,放棄安裝。





(1)檢查share disk代號與安裝目錄路徑是否需要修改。



  • Run the command-line AddNode on all the additional nodes that will join the failover cluster, by supplying the same configuration file using the ConfigurationFile parameter.

在第2個節點(second Node)執行以下命令來安裝第2個節點的SQL Server Failover Cluster Instalce

Setup.exe /SQLSVCPASSWORD="************" /AGTSVCPASSWORD="************" /ASSVCPASSWORD="************" /ISSVCPASSWORD="************" /RSSVCPASSWORD="************" /ConfigurationFile=MyConfigurationFile.INI /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms


setup.exe /SQLSVCPASSWORD="P@ssw0rd" /AGTSVCPASSWORD="P@ssw0rd" /ASSVCPASSWORD="P@ssw0rd" /ConfigurationFile=C:\Temp\ConfigurationFile.ini /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms

第2個以後的節點,只需要指定服務帳戶的密碼,不需要再指定sa的密碼與Product Key。


Install SQL Server 2012 Using a Configuration File




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