2009年8月17日 星期一

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Tools (32-Bit)

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Tools (32-Bit)


Brief Description
Exchange Server 2007 is a native 64-bit application that includes 64-bit management tools. You can use the management tools to administer your Exchange Server environment remotely. If the remote computer is running a 32-bit operating system, you will need to download the 32-bit management tools.

Quick Details
Version: 685.25
Date Published: 5/7/2008
Language: English
Download Size: 686.7 MB - 1527.3 MB*
*Download size depends on selected download components

System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-Bit x86); Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1; Windows XP



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