2020年12月21日 星期一

SQL Server Express

 SQL Server Express

Scale limits


Express with
Advanced Services


Maximum compute capacity used by a single instance - SQL Server Database Engine1

Limited to lesser of 1 socket or 4 cores

Limited to lesser of 1 socket or 4 cores

Maximum compute capacity used by a single instance - Analysis Services or Reporting Services

Limited to lesser of 1 socket or 4 cores

Limited to lesser of 1 socket or 4 cores

Maximum memory for buffer pool per instance of SQL Server Database Engine

1410 MB

1410 MB

Maximum memory for Columnstore segment cache per instance of SQL Server Database Engine

352 MB

352 MB

Maximum memory-optimized data size per database in SQL Server Database Engine

352 MB

352 MB

Maximum memory utilized per instance of Analysis Services



Maximum memory utilized per instance of Reporting Services

4 GB


Maximum relational database size

10 GB

10 GB

database size 10GB (the limit is on the data file, it doesn't include log files)

Editions and supported features of SQL Server 2019 (15.x)


Microsoft® SQL Server® 2019 Express


SQL Server 下載| Microsoft


SQL Server tempdb

 What is the TempDB database used for in SQL Server?

  • User Objects
    • User-defined tables and indexes
    • System tables and indexes
    • Global temporary tables and indexes
    • Local temporary tables and indexes
    • Table variables
    • Tables returned in table-valued functions
  • Internal Objects
    • Work tables for CURSOR or SPOOL operations and temporary large object (LOB) storage.
    • Work files for HASH JOIN or HASH aggregate operations.
    • Intermediate sort results for operations such as creating or rebuilding indexes (if SORT_IN_TEMPDB is specified), or certain GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or UNION queries.
  • Version Stores
    • Row versions that are generated by data modification transactions in a database that uses snapshot or read committed using row versioning isolation levels. (Snapshot Isolation and Read-Committed Snapshot Isolation (If long running transaction exist cause tempdb growing up))
    • Row versions that are generated by data modification transactions for features such as: Online Index Operations, Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS), and AFTER triggers.


(1) 為tempdb交易紀錄檔設定足夠大的大小,以避免自動成長。

(2) 為每一個 CPU 建置一個 Tempdb 的資料檔案,或是以 CPU 個數的一半建置 (除以 2 的倍數)。

(3) 每個資料檔案大小必須相同。

(4) 每個資料檔案必須預留足夠的交易量空間。例如觀察平時 Tempdb 使用量約 3GB的話,建議設定總共 4GB 空間。(也就是所有tempdb資料檔加起來4GB,例如建立4個1GB資料檔)。

(5) 符合上述的配置條件,每個 CPU 可以獨立取用對應的 Tempdb 資料檔案,可以增進效能及併發性。

Optimizing tempdb Performance

Recommendations to reduce allocation contention in SQL Server tempdb database

Troubleshooting Insufficient Disk Space in tempdb

Capacity Planning for tempdb

2020年12月9日 星期三

SQL Server Linked server to Oracle


1.在SQL Server主機安裝Oracle Client,建議先裝Oracle client 32bit,在安裝Oracle client 64bit


2.確認環境變數Path,Oracle client 64bit路徑位置在32bit路徑位置上面

若修改位置,建議重新啟動SQL Server服務或重新開機 (非必要)

3.使用SSMS修改 OraOLEDB.Oracle provider屬性,將Allow in-process勾選

4.建立Linked server時,資料來源輸入c:\app\twpspdbadmin\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin\tnsnames.ora裡面定義的 oracle連線別名,例如以下的mydb

mydb =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)


5.建立Linked server時,伺服器選項,將 RPC out(RPC輸出)改為true


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