2014年6月18日 星期三

Always On Availability Groups learning resources (Always On Availability Groups學習資源與文件)

Always On Availability Groups learning resources
Always On Availability Groups學習資源與文件
from my MSDN blog - June 18, 2014

Overview of Always On Availability Groups (SQL Server)
Prerequisites, Restrictions, and Recommendations for Always On Availability Groups (SQL Server)

SQL Always On Team Blog
SQL Server Customer Advisory Team

MSDN Blogs  >  Brad Chen's SQL Server Blog   >  All Tags  >  alwayson

Always On Architecture Guide: Building a High Availability and Disaster Recovery Solution by Using Failover Cluster Instances and Availability Groups
[Building a High Availability and Disaster Recovery Solution using AlwaysOn Availability Groups.docx]

SQL Server 2012 AlwaysOn: Multisite Failover Cluster Instance

SQL Server High Availability and Disaster Recovery for SAP Deployment at QR: A Technical Case Study

How to create a failover cluster 如何新增一個容錯移轉叢集

How to create a failover cluster


1.In the Failover Cluster Manager snap-in, confirm that Failover Cluster Manager is selected and then, under Management, click Create a Cluster.

2.Follow the instructions in the wizard to specify:

  • The servers to include in the cluster.
  • The name of the cluster.
  • Any IP address information that is not automatically supplied by your DHCP settings.


3.After the wizard runs and the Summary page appears, if you want to view a report of the tasks that the wizard performed, click View Report.

To view the report after you close the wizard, see the following folder, where SystemRoot is the location of the operating system (for example, C:\Windows):



Create a New Failover Cluster


SQL Server Planning, Pricing and License

  Server-CALs授權模式 1.需購買的量應該是所有終端用戶的電腦 例如:一台Data warehouse主機 與 一台Web報表主機,但公司有50人或電腦會連進Web報表主機開啟報表,則應該每一台用戶端電腦都需要有CALs授權,Data warehouse主機購買Ser...